
Hi y'all.

Welcome to my blog. I write about everything here - successes, failures and stumbles in healing my heart, my home, my health and a sailboat.

Jumping In

Here Goes Nothing - My First Blog Post

My name is J. Kyle Foster - I'm a recovering newspaper and wire service reporter, now financial news editor/SEC headline writer, and a recent transplant to Marco Island, Florida, where I have quickly become an island girl - always wanting to be outside and on the beautiful water here. At my sister Heather's urging, I am adding this new life of blogging to my world as I attempt to heal many things - not the least of which is my heart.

To sum up: I bought a condo with my boyfriend a year and a half ago. A condo we intended to renovate, reconstruct and recreate. While a lot was accomplished - removal of popcorn ceilings, installation of appliances - the condo remains under major construction but now the boyfriend is gone -  along with his daughter and his dog, both of whom I loved dearly. They just live on the other side of the island - far enough away I never see them, close enough that my heart breaks every day. 

ExBF has promised to help finish the still-sinkless kitchen, but as I work to get over this heartbreak, I have decided to dig in and work on other parts of the condo myself despite not having a clue about such things. And to achieve my goal of being out on the water, I bought two small sailboats, one of which needs significant work - we're talking hundreds of yards of sandpaper. And um, I don't know how to sail.

Thus here I am to write it all down. Like most of my life, this blog is a work in progress. I hope you enjoy.

A Little Overenthusiastic: My First Weekend of Home Improvement