You stopped looking forward

He is the one who encouraged me to write about my stepdad, and then to take it further and publish nationally. I’m so glad of that. I’m so glad I did that. And eventually, I will file charges, something I had planned to do when I visited Tony in December, but that trip, like the next two, got canceled.

Where am I or Where I am

So I’m back, and not sure where to start. I think the last time I wrote was during Covid. It’s now 2024. Since then, I have dated at least one wrong person and gone out with many more wrong people. I secured a full-time job (finally) in local news and have laid to rest my remaining sailboat and my father.

Pliers and Covid, All the Jobs and Some Dating

Life has improved of course. Most of us decided to take the chances and start going places. For me and many of my friends, it was after vaccination, but we’re careful. We have our regular people we hang out with, and we all know vaccination status, stance, and antibody level practically. We know when someone is sick and we watch out for each other. There have been a lot of adventures and fun this year and conquering of fears (I snorkeled in Aruba and didn’t’ panic!) and taking chances with the heart – kind of.

Let's Play Catch Up: More than a Year and a Half Later. I Got Lost.

Jeri, Amber, Shelly and Yana,, Jess, Lisa, Pam and Tony, Courtney, Bev, Chelle, Heather, Summer, Shane have been my saviors as well. If one good thing has come out of this year, it is reconnecting on a daily basis with these amazing humans – sisters, parents and friends. Making time for one another, listening, making each other laugh. Dealing with each other’s tears and anger, happy events and accomplishments, frustrations and just general bitching – we all need an outlet. They are all such a blessing – I wish we lived closer.

Maybe It Was the Moon or Maybe It Was the Sobbing Meltdown

I think it took my most recent breakdown and the confidence to NOT continue the job that wasn’t for me to truly appreciate where I am, how far I have actually come and what it's going to take to move forward. It was a start. Now, I’m looking for the big confidence, on the road toward it, trying to build it back and trying to find my place in the world.

A Home Improvement Update - Finally

Hey it's something on the home improvement front, finally. Much more to write - about Valentine's Day, talks with parents, flowers from B, my heart gift wrapped and mailed in a box to Rochester, mortgages and condo special assessments after Irma, But we'll start with this today. It's happier and less complicated.

Am I Heading Toward Emptiness?

A flock of birds disrupted us - white with large black beaks beautifully and noisily swaying together over the gulf waves. I had to focus on breathing again and that's when this idea of becoming empty in order to move on evolved. I noticed I was empty and not thinking of anything - not even really thinking of the poses.

Better - Physically

I didn't judge myself for muscles I used to have, but am proud of how far I have come since losing all my muscles to illness over the past couple of years. I am seriously amazed at the fact I have lost all my strength, all my muscles. I had been running and playing hockey consistently for 20 years until the illnesses really took over about two years ago.


I looked around and all I saw were families and couples showing each other love. Michelle hugged me. Niece Amanda, and momma to Max and Luke, squeezed me tight. My nephew Josh handed me his son as  tears streamed down my face.