
Hi y'all.

Welcome to my blog. I write about everything here - successes, failures and stumbles in healing my heart, my home, my health and a sailboat.

The Universe is Conspiring To Give Me Blessings (Right?)

The Universe is Conspiring To Give Me Blessings (Right?)

I’m not sure what went down on Thursday, what I put out into the universe or whose prayers were answered but all day, I was the lucky beneficiary of phone calls, texts, Facebook messages and emails from Friends and family asking how I was, sending love and just general good vibes.

I’m not sure what I have done to deserve it - but I am thankful.

Ty called me on my way to work; Kristen from Wisconsin text; Heather text; Elana - amazing awesome Elana had some beautiful words; Megan lovely Packers loving, yoga leading, friend Megan sent me a book she says will change my life; Duane text; Lisa and Jess both text; Julie had some sweet Instagram words. Had some fun texts with Kate and Courtney and Stephen. 

There were Facebook messages from ex-husband Jeff, who was his usual encouraging self with his "don't forget you are a fucking rock star" message. From my sweet friend Rainer from Germany who lives there. I have only met him once - when I played in a hockey tournament in the Czech Republic in 2006 or 2007 but we have remained good friends or become good friends I guess, over the miles.

Amber sent me a song to dance to and add to my playlist - I hope You Dance. (If you downloaded it, update, there are many more songs https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQGzcDRk--mKKTJUAHQwj8QRIaQt5LCY). 

My sister, Michelle, who left today after a wonderful and too-short visit, said she sent many prayers out - I felt them.  My friend Al in the Keys sweetly checked on me.  Oscar, when he’s not grumpy, always has a way of helping me mentally without making a big deal of it, and Thursday was no exception. 

And B - he came through again, in that way he does, in that way that we are such a good team. He found a contact for a job I applied for - someone to introduce me to - to help me get my resume into the right hands, we hope. Fingers crossed. And he said he's not sure he's right in this decision (but he said that from the beginning). Now what? Sure wish he would just figure it out and come home.

So that’s it, sunrise or sunset, thank you universe. Thank you friends and family. Thank you. 

*New eliminated foods tried: Ginger (makes me sneeze); pineapple (very much upsets my digestive system).

*Last cried: Thursday - most of the day.

A Home Improvement Update - Finally

A Home Improvement Update - Finally

Am I Heading Toward Emptiness?

Am I Heading Toward Emptiness?