
Hi y'all.

Welcome to my blog. I write about everything here - successes, failures and stumbles in healing my heart, my home, my health and a sailboat.

Of Bathtubs And Things

Love and Hate Plumbing

I have a love/hate relationship with plumbing projects. On the one hand, I feel incredibly accomplished after I tackle and defeat a plumbing project  - case in point: powder room faucet, refrigerator water line.
On the other hand, it's gross in there. Moldy, smelly. Yuck.

Weeks after plumber friend Chuck fixed my main bathroom shower - it finally has hot water running through it - I have completed the bathtub/shower part of things.
Determined to complete SOMETHING, last night I changed out the bathtub drain and replaced the overflow cover so that all the bathtub and shower fixtures match. Woo hoo!
When I took off the old overflow cover, I almost threw up. Nasty black mold all in the pipe. Totally normal, Chris said when I called and asked what kind of mold needed testing. He said to pour a cup of bleach in and cover it back. Done.
Always happy to ask for advice, I text Brad to see if he had ever removed a bathtub drain and did he have any advice since I couldn't seem to get the thing out. Ten minutes later, Brad and Karen and their kids Faith and Dylan stopped by to lend a hand in person (because they are awesome).
I had "the tool" but it didn't work or I couldn't get it to. I even went to ACE and bought a full-sized ratchet set (I have a small one that is great for changing out my air condition filter). I should have also purchased a 1/2 inch extension bar and that would helped turn the tool to remove the drain. Brad just put a screwdriver through the middle and used that to turn the tool - he had the drain out in a minute. But hey, I needed a ratchet set anyway.
Next, I cleaned up the old plumber's putty around the pipe. I then coated the cleaned area with clear silicone and screwed in the new drain - with an easy foot-touch open and close. Today I'll fill the tub up and make sure it doesn't leak.

For now, it looks good anyway!
The tool! 

Rubber Duckie Friends

I'm Ready For You 2016
